Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Answered Prayer

After getting so stressed about the vaccinations, to the point of tears even, I get a wonderful message from my friend Meredith who is not only a fellow missions minded sister in Christ but also a doctor. She said she would personally give me the shots I need which has been approved by her clinic. Having prayer answered so directly like that makes me want to cry for days. Loving and supporting one another as part of one body of believers is more powerful than I ever realized. Dear enemy, you aren't going to get to me yet!

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1 comment:

  1. Hey Tara! Love what you're doing! We went to Cambodia on "vacation" a few years back. It was the hardest place I've visited- it's like the whole country is still struggling to get back on its feet after years of civil war. I look forward to hearing about your trip. :)Sara
