Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Roller Coaster Ride

It is quiet around here this week on the TEAM CAMBODIA front which feels sort of scary since last week was SO hopping and exciting. I am guessing this is how the summer will be, fast and furious or quiet as night.

Let me tell you about how God blessed my journey last week. My pediatrician friend Meredith did give me my tetnus and HepA shots and also wrote my malaria script for me. She was so sweet to me that I hardly know how to take it. She researched Cambodia and made sure that I got exactly what I needed for that particular area. She also inspired me with her stories of her recent medical mission to Africa. She is amazing. If you need a pediatrician in Fayetteville, go to Dr.Denton.

As for the fundraising, last week was huge in this area as well. I really felt like God was reconfirming my decision to go which was so cool. After posting this blog on FB, I had a sweet friend that I grew up with give generously and had a few checks come back from some of my support letters I sent. SO, I am almost 1/3 of the way there!! The only way to make myself comfortable with this is to take myself out of the equation and remember that it is for those kids and RAPHA.

To have all of that momentum last week, it has been hard to see the brakes slammed on everything this week. I know God is telling me to trust Him and His timing. It is all one big lesson. You all have NO IDEA how badly I need this lesson of faith.......this JOURNEY OF FAITH. LOVE to you all!

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