Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Hello from CAMBODIA!

Well, this is my first blog from Cambodia. I am so excited to FINALLY be here. The trip over was a grueling 2 FULL days. However, we were SO blessed to have had only a few minor bumps. There are 14 of us total on this trip. To not have any big issues arrise on such a long journey with that many people is because our God is blessing us.

CAMBODIA ~ Yesterday we went to the Teul Seung genocide museum and prison. It was so horrific and sad to see in person. I BEG all of you to read about what Cambodia went through under the Khmer Rouge. Actually, the people here beg that of you. The Cambodian friend that is with us for these 2 weeks says that the people here felt like no one knew or cared that all of their people were being slaughtered for no apparent reason. I would love to say that the government is completely reformed and in top democratic form, but I think it is still far from it.

We went to the market in Phnom Pehn. It was such a crazy experience to have when we hadn't slept in 2 days! The sights and smells were overwhelming. We didn't buy much this time. We just experienced it first.

The biggest things that have impacted me so far. Is the shear sadness. I saw 4 year olds sitting alone by buckets begging. I saw adults with all kinds of deformaties approaching me begging. There were lots of small slave labored children out selling their "wears" making us promise to buy something. They spoke ENGLISH. One of our team members, Heather, was a big target of these kids yesterday. And, it was more than she could bear. To get an insight on what is happening to these kids please watch the movie SLUMDOG MILLIONAIRE. I am glad that I saw that and the Teul Seung documentary before coming as well as reading Terrify No More.

The streets are dirty. The people have their street "shops"and many of them live there at their "shop" where there is no shelter. And, they eat snake! There really aren't words for that kind of problem! I guess my big observation is that I didn't notice any type of middle class society. They are all in the struggle for survival together.

Today we are going to Women's Island to see the women and children there. Women's Island was a killing field during the genocide but is now being used for healing. There is a church and a christian ministry happening there. I will understand it more after going. We will also go to the Kids Club. We will feed them lunch, sing songs, give them gifts of dresses, stickers, and american candy. Some of the people on our team have sponsored a child from here. These are street/slum kids. They can't afford to go to school or eat enough each day. So the ones that sponsored a child, are going to get to MEET their kiddo. That, to me, is the COOLEST of the cool. If you are interested in sponsoring one of these kids at some point, let me know. It is done through RAPHA, and I can hook you up! We will also go to the RAPHA SALON. This is where some of the rescued girls are learning to be stylists. Katie, one of our team members from Prairie Grove, is a stylist and will be filmed with the girls there for a RAPHA HOUSE documentary. It will be fun to meet these girls and let them play with our hair. We may come back much altered in apperance. STAY TUNED!

Please continue to pray for us. There is massive flooding here. There is diseased water EVERYWHERE. (thank you to the inventor of CROCS) We are taking our universal percautions with things, but the chances of one or more of us getting ill are somewhat high. Mostly, pray for the people HERE. Seeing it is more impactful than I could have imagined and that was just after day ONE.

Much love to you all from Cambodia! I hope to get more opportunities to blog soon.


  1. Love and prayers to all. Interesting BLOG that evoked tears. Carol A.

  2. You are doing a wonderful job Tara! Makes me want to learn more! Can't wait to hear more as you continue God's work. I'm so certain the work He will do through all of you will be truly awesome. He could not have selected better vessels.

  3. Thanks so much for your insightful blog! It's the next best thing to being there myself. Keep up the good reporting and I will be praying. It is easier to pray effectively as you share what you are all doing and seeing!

  4. It is so good to hear from you, Tara! Looking forward to the many ways your lives and the lives of those you are ministering to are touched ... I know mine has been touched!!! We will definitely be praying for you health, safety, and that you will be blessed and be a blessing to all you minister to!!!
